AICTE Wakes up, draws up guidelines for 1 year MBAs

The All India Council for Technical Education, weirdly incharge of administering MBA colleges in India (How is a management college technical? :P) has finally agreed to draw up some rules to recognise 1 year MBA courses. This will cover, among others, ISB Hyderabad. Something that I find amusing is that the 15th ranked MBA institute in the world (as per FT rankings. IIM people, feel free to disagree :)) was each year listed as an ‘Unrecognised’ college by the AICTE, clubbing it with the likes of god knows how many fly-by-night operators and small B-schools mushrooming all over India.

It does speak volumes about the current relevance of a body like this when its recognition is strictly optional for a School already recognised on a global scale. Clearly, more than just this single rule needs overhauling. 😉